Recommended answering machine software?

Doug Lee dgl at
Fri Jun 4 19:42:33 PDT 2004

This is a (slightly edited) repost of a question I asked in February
of 2002, to which I got no answer.  I never got round to this
project, but now I wonder if it would be easier to manage...

I'd like to run something under FreeBSD 4.9 which can make my
FreeBSD box act as an answering machine:  answer calls, play an
outgoing message (presumably a .wav or similar file), and take
messages.  It would be nice if it also could understand DTMF codes and
do different things according to them, like allow messages to be
maintained for multiple people.  Whether or not it's part of the
system, I also intend to cause the message files to be e-mailed
appropriately on receipt.  I wouldn't mind compatibility with
mgetty+sendfax, but I don't think that's essential.  I do have caller
ID and definitely want the system to be able to take advantage of that.

I skimmed through ports but didn't find a clear winner for this type
of application.  I'm also not sure what specific hardware I'd need (I
assume not just any modem will do :-), and I suspect this will be
dependent on what software I use.

Any suggestions welcome.

Doug Lee           dgl at
Bartimaeus Group   doug at
The very smart may feel they have nothing to learn from anyone;
The very wise will find something to learn from everyone.  (7/14/01)

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