Wireless Microsoft USB G adapter drivers

hoe-waa at hawaii.rr.com hoe-waa at hawaii.rr.com
Thu Jun 3 12:40:42 PDT 2004

For what it's worth, I check with Project Evil and 
found this bad news. Looks like a AMF-YOYO

What doesn't Project Evil do:

- Provide support for USB network devices (this would require
  emulating portions of USBD.SYS and portitions of the Windows
  I/O model outside of the NDIS API).
- Support Winows modem drivers (this would mean duplicating
  big parts of ntoskrnl.exe).


From: Kevin Coles <kphc at sympatico.ca>

Subject: Wireless Microsoft USB G adapter drivers

> I am using Freebsd 5.2 and trying to use a Microsoft wireless G 
> usb 
> network adapter. I have searched the web and asked some friends 
> and I 
> cannot find drivers for this hardware. If anyone knows of a 
> solution, 
> please reply. It would be really helpful.
> Thanks for your time,
> Kevin
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