Ports Collection and FreeBSD 5.2.1

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-questions-local at be-well.ilk.org
Thu Jun 3 10:21:50 PDT 2004

"Arend P. van der Veen" <apv at capital.net> writes:

> I have been recently testing FreeBSD 5.2.1.  I load the initial system
> from CD, install and configure cvsup and then download all of the src
> and port changes.  My supfile is:
> *default host=cvsup2.us.FreeBSD.org
> *default base=/usr
> *default prefix=/usr
> *default release=cvs tag=RELENG_5_2
> *default delete use-rel-suffix compress
> src-all
> ports-all tag=.
> I then execute:
> cvsup -g -L 2 /usr/sup/supfile
> portsdb -Uu
> portsdb returns a lot of warnings about dependency lists.  I do not
> have this problem under 4.10.
> Does anybosy have any idea what I am doing wrong or is there something
> different in the ports collection under 5.X.

You don't have the full ports collection.
These warnings have been broken lately, but I believe the plan is to
fix them and make them fatal (so everyone will have to get the full
ports collection if they want to build their own INDEX).

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