PHP 4.3.6_1 breaks SquirrelMail?

Mike Oliveri moliveri at
Wed Jun 2 14:32:29 PDT 2004

I'm running FreeBSD 4.9 and we had a brief problem with SquirrelMail this afternoon. Upon restarting Apache (1.3), it could not find one of the libso files, so we upgraded both Apache (to 1.3.31 from ports) and PHP (to 4.3.6_1 from ports) and now we get an error like the following:

 > Fatal error: Call to undefined function: session_id() in
> /path/to/squirrelmail/functions/global.php on
> line 293

With what we're seeing at, it appears there is a problem with the build of PHP that is disabling a necessary function of PHP for SquirrelMail to function properly. I am receiving the same error message on SquirrelMail 1.4.1 and 1.4.3 from source and 1.4.2_1 from ports. 

I tried setting session.auto_start = 1 (as opposed to = 0) in the php.ini files in /usr/local/etc, but that resulted in SquirrelMail coming up with a blank page. Viewing the source shows only the opening and closing HTML and Body tags in the document with no content.

Has anyone else run into this problem?

Thank you,
Mike Oliveri
Systems Administrator
UTI Systems, Inc.

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