Problems installing a USB keyboard

Andreas Ntaflos daff at
Tue Jun 1 08:16:50 PDT 2004

Hello list, 

this is just a quick question, I used to use a PS/2 keyboard, now I got
a Cherry USB which I'd like to try out. I put "device ukbd" in my kernel 
configuration (along with device uhci, ohci, usb, ugen and uhid) and
rebuilt it. 

However, I seem to be forgetting something, because when booting the
system the keyboard doesn't seem to work. The Num-Lock key does
(turning the Num-Lock LED on and off), but nothing else (can't even log
in or do a CTRL-ALT-DEL).

What am I missing? Sorry if this is something painfully obvious.

Thanks in advance!
Andreas "daff" Ntaflos | "A cynic is a man who knows the price of
daff AT dword DOT org  | everything, and the value of nothing."
Vienna, AUSTRIA        |                              Oscar Wilde

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