Troubles with ports...

Muhammad Ali muhammad_ali at
Tue Jun 1 00:17:15 PDT 2004

Dan Nelson wrote:

>The ports tree is just instructions on building programs.  It doesn't
>include the source.  That would add another 14GB to the size of your
>download :)
>You will have to manually download that file and place it in
>/usr/ports/distfiles, or tell fetch about your authenticated proxy (run
>'man 3 fetch', search for ENVIRONMENT).
Heh... I feel soooooooooo stupid... i did feel something was wrong when 
i found that ports.tar.gz was 27mb but i thought maybe it has been 
super-compressed or something. But honestly, no where in the guide or 
the ports page led me to believe that i would need the 14GB download... 
i think i'll get the CDs...

As for fetch, i have added vars in make.conf file and i am getting 
authenticated now but for some reason i can only access files through 
http and not ftp...


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