Newbie Problems with cvsup and updating files.

Paul R Culmo pculmo at
Sat Jul 31 19:37:15 PDT 2004


I've been a newbie on FreeBSD 5.2.1 now for about a month. I Have had 
much success lately but I wanted to try the cvsup and update the sources
(/usr/src) so I can stay current on patches and security updates.

I've managed to create a cvsupfile but all the docs I've read do not
instruct you how to update the old files with the new files. Does this 
happen automatically or do I need to create a script to do it ?

I setup my cvsupfile to grab src-all and it downloaded but now I have 
filenames with a ,v for almost every file.  Like Makefile and now there is  
a Makefile,v in /usr/src and make buildworld will not compile anymore. It 
get errors when trying to build tools.  

Below is a snip of my cvsupfile,  did I do something wrong? or forget a
step? I've followed the docs and howto's relating to this to a T as far as
I can tell.

Thanks in advance!

Paul R Culmo


*default base=/usr
*default prefix=/usr
*default release=cvs RELENG_5_2_1_RELEASE
*default delete use-rel-suffix

*default compress


--end snip---

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