KDE vs Gnome

Vulpes Velox v.velox at vvelox.net
Wed Jul 28 22:41:22 PDT 2004

On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 20:51:47 -0500
Chris <racerx at makeworld.com> wrote:

> 1. Are you using KDM? If so, you make your choice at the login menu.
> 2. If not above, edit .xinitrc and comment out one IE:
> exec startkde
> #gnome-session
> #exec startxfce4
> #exec startfluxbox
> In the above example, KDE starts after entering startx
> #exec startkde
> gnome-session
> #exec startxfce4
> #exec startfluxbox
> In the above example, Gnome starts ater entering startx

The init file is cool, for any programs like xscreensaver or the like
you want to run at start, just add it in like this...

xscreensaver -nosplash&

Be sure to add the &, or it will run the program and not go any

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