Setting up good certs for ports/mail/imap-uw?

Tom Limoncelli tal at
Wed Jul 28 15:58:25 PDT 2004

The instructions for ports/mail/imap-uw tell you that "make cert" 
generates certs that are self-signed and warns you that it is better to 
get "real" certs but doesn't explain how to do that.  Any suggestions?

The long version...

I install the port and then do "make cert" to make the certs:

root at gsp:/ # cd /usr/ports/mail/imap-uw/
root at gsp:/usr/ports/mail/imap-uw # make cert
Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to '/usr/local/certs/imapd.pem'
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
[...much later...]
MD5 Fingerprint=09:88:5C:19:6A:3F:3A:F5:44:65:82:60:56:5A:B0:72
root at gsp:/usr/ports/mail/imap-uw # cd /usr/local/certs/
root at gsp:/usr/local/certs # ls
imapd.pem       ipop3d.pem

Where is the .csr file to submit?  Every document that explains the 
process says that self-signed certs are insecure and recommends getting 
a real cert, but never tells you how to do that.

Sorry, I'm relatively new to email certs.  (https certs give me none of 
these troubles! :-) )

Thanks in advance,
Tom Limoncelli

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