Portupgrade Stale dependency: "specify -O to force"

Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at daleco.biz
Sat Jul 24 21:20:13 PDT 2004

Rob wrote:

> Hi,
> When I use commands from the portupgrade port, I get this message:
>   Stale dependency: kde-3.2.3 --> autoconf-2.57_1 -- manually run
>   'pkgdb -F' to fix, or specify -O to force.
> I wanted to use the '-O' option, but that does not seem to exist.
> I've tried 'pkgdb -O' or 'pkgdb -FO'
> Is this '-O' suggestion mistake in the portupgrade port?
> How can I use the force option?
> Rob.

Hmm, pretty sure that should be a little "o".  At least that's
what the help screen and the manpage seem to indicate...

<kadmin at archangel> [/usr/ports] 
% pkgdb --help
pkgdb rev.1.69

usage: pkgdb [-hafFQQquv] [-c pkgname] [-o pkgname] [-s 
/old_pkgname/new_pkgname/] [file ...]

    -h, --help                     Show this message


    -o, --origin=PKGNAME[=ORIGIN]  Look up or change the origin of the given


The help seems to indicate you would type something like:

$pkgdb -o <correctdependancy>

I usually just do it with -F


Kevin Kinsey

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