Linux Type OS's which one do I choose?

Bill Moran wmoran at
Mon Jul 19 05:21:44 PDT 2004

Mckwl at (David Wigle) wrote:
> Assist please?
> This is my system file information:  I'd like to 
> run LinspireOS   and star Office. I currently have stare office 7.1
> for Windows.


> The Hard drive is set as NFTS.  
> May I have a dual boot or may I just dump Windows.

Based on the rest of your email, you should probably set up to dual boot.

> I
> use PPOE w/DSL and have some special forms programs  ".exe, for filling
> out forms.
> Will I be able to use these programs?

They might work under wine, but I wouldn't assume so until you've tested

> I have to decide between BSD, Sun OS and Linsprie or SUSie.

You want to use FreeBSD.

> I use an Imac also and prefer it. However I must be able to run some
> windows programs, like word. 
> Does or is WINE type programs needed for windows apps?


> I use a Devorak keyboard, arethere drivers available.


> I aps have a Bently CAD program,  I use for Windows"  Will 
> this work in a linux type environment.  

Don't know, you'll need to test it.

> I want compatability seamlisly, but also want off of WIndows.

Don't we all.

Good luck.

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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