I downloaded everything to no avail! ISO's fail to burn

Bill Moran wmoran at potentialtech.com
Mon Jul 12 17:25:41 PDT 2004

Please keep the mailing list CCed on any replies.

Jerry Schromm <schromms at yahoo.com> wrote:
> hi Bill thanks for writing.
> You said both ISO's? Ok I downloaded 4 ISO's from that new AMD64 version folder.
> I guess you are just dealing with Disc1 and Disc2 and that Boot Disc. Not the others??
> Any clues on this will be helpful. I want to get this for free initially. Maybe someday buy one who knows. But I would like to accomplish an install on this. Burn this op to disc.
> Maybe I should try another burner. Do you use something else? Let me know as much as you can in a nutshell. Thanks a lot!!
> bootonly.iso  ---I burned this one and it seems to be working. I booted up with it
> but the box with the options only stay for a few seconds. I selected Enter for default
> but didn't do anything. Maybe it's something to do with choosing TRACK AT ONCE,
> or DISC AT ONCE, and there is DISC AT ONCE/96(I just noticed on NERO they have
> a mode for Boot Discs. I didn't use it for this iso burn. Maybe I should use that one)
> disc1.iso -----I tried to burn this one and it errored. I couldn't burn it on Nero.
> disc2.iso  ---- Haven't tried to burn this one yet.
> mininst.iso  --- This one looks like it says Mini instal??
> checksum.md5  ---- NOT SURE WHAT THIS IS.
> Bill Moran <wmoran at potentialtech.com> wrote:For future reference, this page has important information on how to ask
> questions:
> http://www.lemis.com/questions.html
> Jerry Schromm wrote:
> > 
> > Hi everyone, I am not sure how this works or if I will ever get feedback.
> > Anyway I just discovered FreeBSD yesterday. I read all about it and I am
> > excited to intrigue myself with this new pc adventure. Sounds great and I
> > will learn something about code at the same time. I feel it had a kind of
> > old school feeling to it, at the same time cutting edge technology. I am a
> > believer in it's viability over Microsofts Windows. They love to hide
> > information from us not inform us.
> > 
> > The reason I am writing. I downloaded the 5.2.1 IS0's. I burned the boot
> > disk successfully it seems. But I tried to burn the first big ISO file and
> > it failed to burn. Some type of burn error following the track or something.
> This is almost definatly a problem with your burning software. Even a
> corrupted ISO will burn successfully, although you won't be able to use
> the CD.
> > Then I tried that other download that isn't the ISO but the regular files.
> > That wouldn't do anything either. It burned but I can't instal it. That
> > doesn't boot. Or install in anyway. 
> You need to provide more information on exactly what you did and the exact
> result (including cut/paste any error messages) ... with the information
> you've provided, we're left trying to guess what you did wrong, and I've
> got so many potential guesses that I'm not going to list them all.
> > I am wondering if FreeBSD is actually free or is this a way to get us to
> > order the retail box lol. I don't want to feel that way. Yestersay I was so
> > excited about this. I hope you can enlighten me some.
> No, it's really free. I've been downloading both ISOs and floppy images and
> installing from them for 6 years now.
> Provide some details on what you did and what happened, and I'm sure we'll
> be able to help.
> -- 
> Bill Moran
> Potential Technologies
> http://www.potentialtech.com

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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