Hard drive problem... S-ATA/ATA and DMA error messages

RickardBorgmäster doktorn at sub.nu
Mon Jul 5 17:45:20 PDT 2004

On Mon, 5 Jul 2004 18:35:52 -0600 (MDT)
Warren Block <wblock at wonkity.com> hit the keyboard and punched:

> FreeBSD 4.x doesn't have specific support for the VIA 8237, and so 
> doesn't properly realize that it should be able to do the faster DMA 
> modes.
> My MSI motherboard with the same VIA 8237 does the same thing.
> -CURRENT (5.x) does have support for SATA, and may (probably does) 
> work with the 8237.  (I haven't tried it on this motherboard.)

Doh! Should have checked that before... now I'm stuck with a system that
more or less freezes during high-load disk operations :-((((

Any workarounds?



                                               .--.        .--.
.----------------------------------------.     |  |        |  | .-.
|           Rickard Borgmäster           |     |  |        |  |/  /
|             doktorn at sub.nu             |   .-^  |  .--.  |     <
|         http://doktorn.sub.nu/         |  (  o  | ( () ) |  |\  \
`----------------------------------------'  `-----'  `--'  `--' `--'

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