kde 3.2.3

Joshua Moore kong at thejosh.net
Sun Jul 4 20:49:07 PDT 2004

   First off, remove all arts, qt, quanta, kde, and kdevelop packages.
   Set your package site envirmomental variable to a site that has the
   3.2.3 packages.  Then run pkg_add -r kde.  It should download and
   install and save you a ton of time trying to compile everything from
   Javier Ramirez wrote:

I´m try to install kde 3.2.3 in my freebsd i386 5.2.1

the port to kde 3.2.3 only install kde 3.1.4
and this is a error,

I´m  try to install from *.tbz files, and get a list of dependency


how to install kde-3.2.3 in my computer? 


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