"rename" shell command

Andrew Kotsopoulos a.kotsopoulos at tue.nl
Mon Jan 26 03:03:29 PST 2004

Dear FreeBSD

I'm looking for the "rename" shell command for the macosx version of 
bsd.  In redhat and possibly other linux distributions the command 
renames files and supports wildcards and multiple file conversions, as 
you most likely know.  To be more precise here is the man page:


rename - Rename files
rename from to file...
rename will rename the specified files by replacing the first occurrence 
of from in their name by to.

For example, given the files foo1, ..., foo9, foo10, ..., foo278, the 

rename foo foo0 foo?
rename foo foo0 foo??

will turn them into foo001, ..., foo009, foo010, ..., foo278.


rename .htm .html *.htm

will fix the extension of your html files.



If it exisits within the bsd distribution then where is it?
If not, can you tell me why it does not exist?
I suppose I could simply compile it from source, if I can find some source?

Many thanks


  O O   D r    A n d r e w   K o t s o p o u l o s
   O    Dept of Electrical Engineering (Group EPE)
\___/  Technical    University    of    Eindhoven

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