4.9 to 5.2 upgrade stratagy

Khairil Yusof kaeru at pd.jaring.my
Sat Jan 17 09:11:10 PST 2004

On Fri, 2004-01-16 at 21:01 -0600, Chris wrote:

> I am comfy enough with 5.2 to do this. The big question I pose to you all, 
> how would you do this with little impact and little work also.

It will have an impact if it's the same box.

Read /usr/src/UPDATING carefully.

1. Most likely will have to recompile most of your ports

   gcc2 and gcc3 abi is incompatible
   base/system has also changed considerably

   Some ports may still be broken on 5.2

2. You will probably have to clean up old leftover files, such
   as perl, though there is a script to check for older config files now
   with mergemaster

If it is a production server, you would be wise to transfer contents to
your new box and save the trouble of doing a source upgrade from 4 to 5
on a production server. 

Do a clean install on the new one, install all the ports you need, and
transfer your data/config files. Keep the old one running. If there is
no problems with 5.2 on the new box/HD, switch and retire the old box.

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it

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