How do YOU stay up to date?

Roger 'Rocky' Vetterberg listsub at
Fri Jan 16 00:44:48 PST 2004

Drew Tomlinson wrote:
> Roger 'Rocky' Vetterberg told a big fish story including the following 
> on 1/15/2004 2:34 AM:
>> Duane Winner wrote:
>>> Hello all again,
>>> I'm finally getting my arms around FreeBSD and the updating processes
>>> and tools. But I'm still trying to come up with good
>>> habits/methods/instructions for updating routines for both myself and my
>>> colleagues who also want to switch to FreeBSD.
>>> I now understand how to use cvsup to keep my src and ports tree current.
>>> I know how to use pkg_add -r to install new sotware, or go into
>>> /usr/ports/whatever to make install. I know how to do portupgrade to
>>> upgrade my installed ports, how to pkg_version -v to see what's out of
>>> date with my tree, and how to cronjob cvsup to keep my trees current. (I
>>> still need to play more with make world and whatnot)
>>> But what do you all out there in BSD land do to stay current as a
>>> practice? I'm looking at this on two fronts: FreeBSD on our laptops
>>> (There will be at least 3 of us with T23's, and I also plan on migrating
>>> most, if not all of my servers from Linux to FreeBSD).
>> If you have the resources, you should consider using a dedicated 
>> machine for compiling.
>> With ~10 laptops, a bunch of workstations and about 20-25 servers 
>> running FreeBSD we use 2 dedicated machines that does nothing but 
>> download sources and compiles them. One is tracking 4.x-STABLE and the 
>> other 5.x-RELEASE. Anyone can nfs mount choosen directories from these 
>> machines and install the pre-compiled software.
>> It works extremely well, once the users have learned the correct process.
> I've been contemplating this setup.  I know I can use portupgrade to 
> build packages and then just install packages on other machines but 
> don't understand the details.  Is it difficult to set up?  Can you point 
> me to a web tutorial?
> Thanks,
> Drew

Its very basic, but it should get you started.


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