XFree86 configuration

n.bulthuis at interpay.nl n.bulthuis at interpay.nl
Tue Jan 13 00:34:05 PST 2004

I always configure X with the xf86config program. Might be a bit basic, but it gets the job done. 

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-freebsd-questions at freebsd.org [mailto:owner-freebsd-questions at freebsd.org] On Behalf Of Carvalho Paulo
Sent: 13 January 2004 09:31
To: freebsd-questions at FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: XFree86 configuration

   Hello everyone,
   I just installed FreeBSD 4.9, and when I try to
cofigure X through sysinstall it gives an error
message in the end. The messege says that an error has
ocurred and asks if I want to try again. I tried
several times and then gave up.
   What I want to know is if there is any way that I
can know what went wrong so that I can do it right.
The error message does not give any clue as to what
   Thanks in advance for taking time to read this
message and for a possible reply.

   Paulo de Carvalho.


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