Yahoo! and GAIM

Jonathan T. Sage sagejona at
Fri Jan 9 20:49:58 PST 2004


>>These errors are caused because pkg_add cannot find the listed
>>prerequisites.  Install those and it should work fine.
> Not to be rude, but I know that.  I have those packages installed, just MUCH 
> newer versions.  How do I work around this and force the install?
from 'man pkg_add'

  -f      Force installation to proceed even if prerequisite packages 
are not installed or the requirements script fails.  Although pkg_add 
will still try to find and auto-install missing prerequisite packages, a 
failure to find one will not be fatal.

this may help.  I don't have a lot of experience forcing packages, but 
it might get you somewhere


"Yesterday upon the stair I saw a man
who wasn't there, he wasn't there
again today, oh how i wish he'd go away"

Rev. Jonathan T. Sage
Lighting / Set Designer
Professional Web Design

[sagejona at]
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