A jail?

Rishi Chopra rchopra at cal.berkeley.edu
Thu Jan 8 16:14:54 PST 2004

While installing postgres I get the following:

You need to create the null device in your jailed Linux environment. Run 
outside the jail, then press enter:

mkdir -m 0755 -p <Jail root dir>/dev
rm -f <Jail root dir>//compat/linux/dev/null
mknod <Jail root dir>//compat/linux/dev/null c 2 2
chmod 666 <Jail root dir>//compat/linux/dev/null

Do I HAVE to make a jail? I was just going to run the postgresql port on 
my FreeBSD box, sans-condom.  The box only has one user and there are no 
security concerns to speak of.


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