How to query the computer's ip address?

yo _ exhausted01 at
Sun Feb 8 16:49:46 PST 2004

>Silly question, maybe, but is there a simple command to query the 
>ip address? Something similar to 'hostname' for finding the computer's 
>I need the four dot-separated ip numbers.
>I can analyze the output of 'ifconfig', but isn't there an easier way.

For the sake of looking for a "command" that might do this, i whipped up 
this long one-liner:

ifconfig | perl -nle 'print $1 if(/(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/)'

note that this will print the first ip address it finds of each line 
seperated by a newline, so be prepared to handle more than one.

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