transparrent cvsup cache

Bjorn Eikeland bjorn at
Mon Feb 2 07:54:16 PST 2004

Hi, I'm just gettting started using FreeBSD and I've got two FreeBSD
"clients" and a "server" on my lan, and I'm thinking instead of
having both clients cvsup to a public site, I'd make the machine I
use for a file server a cvscache.

But I'm wondering whats the best way to do so, I'm thinking as a
bridge, and using firewall rules on the interface with a ip address
redirrecting the packets to localhost and running net/cvsup-mirror
on the server box?

I'd be interested in a similar solution for port distfiles, and I
guess squid will do this for me with a bit of configuring? But if
anyone has a better idea I'd be interested!

Ideas are welcome!

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