5.3 and HT with SMP

J.D. Bronson jbronson at wixb.com
Mon Dec 27 17:02:49 PST 2004

At 06:52 PM 12/27/2004, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> >
> > When it did crash, there was no logs and no errors. The servers are on a
> > huge stable UPS. Solaris runs on these machines for months.
> >
> > Anyone see this? anyone have any ideas?
>Try a BIOS update.  Many early revisions of BIOSes with HTT support
>were buggy.

This bios is right up to date....so unless there is some fix out that has 
not been released....I am at as high as I can be.

>Also, make sure you have crashdumps enabled (see handbook and
>developers' handbook for more details), because your "randomly
>reboot"ing may actually be the server panicking because of a kernel

I had crashdumps enabled and since the machine never crashed even after 2 
weeks I Was unable to capture anything.

I wanted to add that I had never had any issues running 5.2.1 on this 
machine even with the same bios. So I am left to think something changed in 
5.3 that somehow now I am hitting.

I cannot rule out my scsi cards/drives...so this week I will be doing a new 
install on this hardware with IDE only and then see if anything changes for 
the better.

although as I stated before..solaris runs on these machines for a very long 
time with no unexpected reboots....

Very hard to find out this error!


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