Freebsd non-profit stat OT

Nikolas Britton freebsd at
Sat Dec 25 21:44:40 PST 2004

Andrew P. wrote:

> Popularity is a big deal. I could never understand why this 
> organization (not community) was not aiming at getting more users and 
> supporters. I mean, this is the best OS I've ever seen. And while I 
> don't even remember how or when I first heard about it, I'm sure there 
> are thousands out there, who'd be glad to become FreeBSD fans, but 
> they just don't know anything about it. Just put a few nice pictures 
> and screenshots on the website, and people will get attracted.
> Same thing with money. I don't want to order your CD's, cuz they can 
> get lost on their way, and if they don't, I won't be expecting them 
> until 50 days pass (that's how long I'd waited for The Complete 
> FreeBSD until it came). I just want to pay, say, $10 a month with a 
> Visa card. Not much, but I'm not alone. Look at Firefox - a much 
> smaller project can raise $100k in a week. Can't we?
> Best wishes,
> Andrew P.
Thanks for valadating all the points I (and others) made in the 
"FreeBSD's Visual Identity: Outdated?" thread, now if only we could get 
core and the communty at large to recognise that it's a problem and 
needs to be addressed.

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