how to get it online

Bagus bagus at
Wed Dec 22 08:13:40 PST 2004


I hope this mailing list can help. I just installed freebsd 5.3-Release onto
a new hard drive and I can't seem to get it online with my dhcp cable modem
thru a linksys hub. Later it will be moving to a static ip, so any help with
that transition now would be helpful too, but for now I have the machine at
home and need to install software on it.

If I give a
fxp0: flags =8802 <bradcast, simplex, multicast> mtu 1500
 options =8<VLAN_MTU>
 ether 00:a0:c9:e6:11:b1
 media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>)
there's    plip0 and lo0 as well...

ping: cannot resolve Host name lookup failure.

As an aside, I'm stunned this isn't a FAQ or part of the freebsd manual:
"How to get your computer online". Really I'd rather not be posting this
question to a mailing list. It seems so basic, yet I can't find an answer
out there. If anyone has any references, I'd appreciate it.



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