Running own servers

Robert Huff roberthuff at
Tue Dec 21 19:40:24 PST 2004

RL writes:

>  Hi. I currently have a cable modem, but I want to (if it's not
>  too pricey) run my own servers including DNS server.  My cable
>  provider currently doesn't offer static IPs so I have a dynamic.

	In which case the key question is "How often do you get
renumbered?".  If it's once a week, it's probably not worth it.
	In my case, I've had the current IP for over a year.  I could,
hypothetically run a DNS server without any problem.
	You also need to see how your ISP really feels about servers
that violate their Terms of Service.  Some scan aggressively and
will lock offenders down or terminate service; mine is "If it's not
a problem, it's not a problem."

					Robert Huff

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