linking problem

Karsten Fuhrmann karsten_fuhrmann at
Mon Dec 20 05:21:20 PST 2004

i want to compile a c program with both static and dynamic linking in 
the same program, e.g. i want to link against LIB_A  static but against 
LIB_B shared.
I dicovered the static and dy options in ld but it seems to me that it 
is only possible to link at whole static or dynamic, but not mixed.

Karsten Fuhrmann

Karsten Fuhrmann
System Administration
Tel. +49 30 698084-109
Fax. +49 30 698084-29
email: karsten_fuhrmann at

Cartoon-Film Thilo Graf Rothkirch
Bergmannstr. 68
D-10961 Berlin

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