Change Bash-3.00 Prompt

darren kirby bulliver at
Sun Dec 19 19:19:53 PST 2004

quoth the Adam:
> I installed bash shell and now my prompt says "bash-3.00#"
> How do I change the text before the #?  I'd like it to say bash# instead of
> bash-3.00#.
> Thanks
Bash prompt is created from the env variable "PS1" If really all you want is 
"bash#" then try:
$ export PS1="bash$ "
to make it permanent, add to (or edit) one of your bash startup files, 
probably /etc/profile for systemwide, or ~/.bashrc for users

I like a bit more info in my prompt, so I use:
PS1="\[\033[0;31m\][$(date +%H:%M)][\u@\h \W]#\[\033[0m\]"

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
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