courier imap keys and self-signed ca signing

Daniel S. Haischt me at
Sun Dec 19 10:11:49 PST 2004

That's true if each of his servers will have the
same common name (CN). But if one server resides
for example on and the other
at, he has to use different

Mozilla/Netscape browsers are quite picky if it
comes to wrong CN attributes.

BTW Dave - If you did install Apache together with
mod_ssl the mod_ssl manual could be found at:

  -> http://localhost/manual/ssl/

Louis LeBlanc schrieb:
> On 12/19/04 12:45 PM, dave sat at the `puter and typed:
>>    I've got a 5.3 box that i'm using as a self-signing ca. I want to get
>>keys going for all the various protocols i use, http, which i've done, pop
>>and imap, and smtp. It's these last three i'm having the headache. I'm using
>>postfix as my MTA and courier imap for pop/imap, i know that the latter has
>>a program to generate keys but not csr's, i'm not sure how to get keys from
>>courier and/or postfix to the ca for signing. I'm probably missing somehing
>>very basic, and would appreciate any help.
> Why would you want to use multiple methods?  Just create a single self
> signed CA from OpenSSL and use it to sign a single cert for all your
> servers.  You could also just use a self signed cert for all of them.
> Check out this info:
> That will tell you about using a single cert for multiple domains if
> that is what you need.
> Hope this helps.
> Lou

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / With kind regards

Daniel S. Haischt   | phone:    +49 -7032-992909
Grabenstrasse 11    |           +49 -700-DHAISCHT
                     | fax:      +49 -7032-992910
D-71083 Herrenberg  | fax2mail: +49 -7032-7999738
GERMANY             | cell:     +49 -172-7668936

SIP:   sip:haischt at
email: me at

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