Reasonable Hyperterminal alternative?

Andrew L. Gould algould at
Mon Dec 13 11:32:41 PST 2004

On Monday 13 December 2004 01:16 pm, Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. 
> And, on that line of thought, I suppose that kermit is a/the
> canonical piece of software, traditionally speaking; but last I
> looked, it was a significant time investment unless you just pick up
> things like that automagically.  Featureful, though; but not part of
> base.
> But, we'll soon have every alternative listed in this thread
> if we keep redefining "reasonable", which is a rather subjective
> term, I suppose ...
> Kevin Kinsey

One of our vendors only supports dialing in via hyperterminal and the 
use of kermit for file transfers; but my transfers always (no 
exaggeration) aborted with a message referring to "too many errors".  I 
now use kermit in FreeBSD; and finish regularly with 0 errors, a fast 
transfer and no headache.

I'm haven't learned a lot about kermit because its basic use meets my 
needs.  Some cool tips:

1. I execute ssh from within kermit to use kermit's file transfer 
capabilities over a secure connection.

2. You can script kermit for periodic chores. For example, I use the 
short script below to dial the vendor mentioned above using a modem at 

set modem type acer-v90
set line /dev/cuaa0
set speed 57600
set dial connect on
dial 1-999-999-9999

Best of luck,

Andrew Gould

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