mlock error: not setgid mail

Vonleigh Simmons nospam at
Wed Dec 8 12:24:53 PST 2004

> The code that does the check is this:
>   struct group *grp = getgrnam ("mail");
>   if (!grp || (grp->gr_gid != getegid ())) die ("not setgid 
> mail",EX_USAGE);
> The only way I can see that failing is if getgrnam() failed to look up
> the "mail" group, or if the gid of mlock doesn't match the gid returned
> by getgrnam().  Is it possible you have two "mail" groups?  Compare the
> output of "ls -ln" and your /etc/groups file.  Splitting that if() into
> two parts with separate error messages will also tell you which test is
> failing.

	I also ran a find with the group name and ID, maybe someone can let me 
know if I'm missing any files:

# find / -group mail

# find / -group 6

Vonleigh Simmons

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