Qpopper errors

Olaf Greve o.greve at axis.nl
Thu Dec 2 06:42:22 PST 2004


>> So, anybody don't know what is this? :(
> My guess... *everybody* doesn't know what this is (although some might
> know what Qpopper is). Part of your message is missing?


Indeed the question could be slightly more specific. :)

Part of it can be answered though: Qpopper is a POP3 server. I use it
too (v4.0) under FreeBSD 5.2.1 Release i386 and I have no issues with
it. I call it from /etc/inetd.conf as follows:

pop3    stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/local/libexec/qpopper

To install Qpopper I _think_ I simply used sysinstall and installed it
as a package. If this wasn't the case, I simply compiled the port and
installed it.

Does that answer the question? If not, then please let me know, perhaps
I can help to solve further questions...


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