where to find what a port will try to download

Peter Ryan pryan at singnet.com.sg
Tue Aug 24 22:47:29 PDT 2004

> | I am trying to find out which files a port will try to download.
> So umm your trying to figure out the dependencies of a package?
> | E.g. JDK14.  The Makefile has parameterised distfiles and I cant
> see
> | where the parameters are resolved. I have looked in the other
> package
> | files and cant see anything.
> |
> | I while back, when I knew less than nothing about cvsup, you
> | mentioned that the JDK14 port now used a newer file from Sun. 
> (the
> | '_05' instead of the '_04' I was looking for)
> |
> | How did you know the port wanted the newer file ?
> |
> | And how did you find out the exact name ?
> |
> | Thanks
> Well if you look at freshports and the jdk14 port:
> http://www.freshports.org/java/jdk14/ you can see that packages
> dependencies, and if you look at the linux-jdk package it depends on
> you
> can see:
> "IGNORE: You must manually fetch the J2SE SDK self-extracting
> file for the Linux platform (j2sdk-1_4_2_05-linux-i586.bin)"
> In the freshports site it details the differnt versions and when
> they
> were changed/updated. Is this what you were looking for?

Hi Will - thanks. I can see the _05 file easily, but
looking at freshports for jdk14, I cant see the other 
files that are downloaded into distfiles (eg, there are 
3 more j2sdk* files required as well).

Taking one as an example - j2sdk-1_4_2-src-scsl.zip.
It is not at all clear to me where this file is named
as part of the jdk14 download, or even where it appears
in the Makefile.

Any other clues ?

Many thanks

are defined as part of jdk14.  

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