dhcpd MAC filter

Chuck Swiger cswiger at mac.com
Sat Aug 21 09:11:52 PDT 2004

Lowell Gilbert wrote:
[ ... ]
> Sounds like you're running the original IPFW rather than IPFW2.  As
> Chuck Swiger indicated, you need IPFW2 for the MAC keyword.  IPFW2 is
> standard on FreeBSD 5.x, but not earlier.

Note the syntax Wayne was using-- the MAC stuff needs to be specified as an 
option, as in:

    ipfw add drop all from any to any mac any 00:02:2d:2e:04:28

...rather than:

    #from man ipfw: MAC 10:20:30:40:50:60/33 any
    ipfw add drop all from MAC 00:02:2d:2e:04:28 to any

[ This is not very intuitive or documented via an example in the ipfw manpage, 
but any particular MAC address may correspond with zero, one, or many IP 
addresses.... ]


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