16-character username limit in quotas?

Chris Dillon cdillon at wolves.k12.mo.us
Thu Aug 19 16:43:11 PDT 2004

I've just run into a 16-character username limit in our quota support, 
or at least in the edquota command itself (5-CURRENT):

edquota -u -e /afilesystem:614400:716800:4000:5000 areallylongusername
edquota: areallylongusern: no such user

Does anybody know what would it take to raise this limit to at least 
32 characters?

  Chris Dillon - cdillon(at)wolves.k12.mo.us
  FreeBSD: The fastest, most open, and most stable OS on the planet
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Q: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
A: Why is putting a reply at the top of the message frowned upon?

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