Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at
Mon Aug 9 08:46:14 PDT 2004

vincent kihumba wrote:

>Dear Sir/Madam
>I am a university student and i wanted to know from you that is it possible to store music in a server? To be more precise, Is it possible that  you have a server that is only desighned for storage of music only?
>I hope that my request will be consindered as soon as possible.
Hi, Vincent:

I attempted this once:  there wasn't much room inside the case,
especially when I got into the Baroque stuff; my multi-volume
editions of Bach's "Well Tempered Clavier" got stuck in the
CPU fan, and I darned near burned up a nice Athlon chip.
Since I already had one burned out Athlon as a coaster,
I decided it would be better to store *recordings* of much
on my server, rather than the *printed music* itself. :-D

All joking aside, your questions begs for "more detail".
If you simply want file storage, lots has already been said.

If you are looking for a server to "stream" audio to the
network, there are several programs for that, also,
including gnump3d, icecast, DarwinStreamingServer,
xbms, gini, and even an Apache webserver module that
will do "streaming".

Kevin Kinsey
DaleCo, S.P.

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