Portsdb error

Michael A. Alestock michaela at maa-net.net
Sun Apr 11 03:33:53 PDT 2004


I use the PORTSDB (-Uu) command as part of upgrading my ports collection.  However, while trying to run this command today I got the following error.....

bsd# portsdb -Uu
/usr/local/sbin/portsdb:35:in `require': No such file to load -- pkgtools (LoadError)
        from /usr/local/sbin/portsdb:35

I've NEVER had this kind of error before with Portsdb.  I even doublechecked to make sure the binary was installed....

bsd# whereis portsdb
portsdb: /usr/local/sbin/portsdb /usr/local/man/man1/portsdb.1.gz

Any clue to what's going on here?? 


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