FreeBSD in Windows.....

Siegbert Baude Siegbert.Baude at
Fri Sep 26 17:50:00 PDT 2003

>>What about installing vmware (on XP), then install FreeBSD in vmware,
>>and mounting it that way? Maybe a lot of trouble, but at least he'd be
>>able to get at the data.

> If my understanding of vmware is correct that shouldn't work, couldn't work.
> Vmware is just an x86 emulator which sits on top of windows, the OS working
> in VMware should be unaware that it is running in an emulator and shouldn't
> have direct access to any of the host computer's resources.  If the host system 
> is unable to mount a file system then the operating system in vmware should
> also be unable to mount it. First because it is unaware that it exists and
> second because vmware uses the host system's resources and anything which is
> inaccessible to the host system would also be inaccessible to the emulated
> system.

It is possible, as VMWare allows the guest systems direct access to the 
disks. I did complete buildworlds within VMWare on the same file system 
I use, when I boot FBSD directly.
There is also generic SCSI-Support which allows access to SCSI-devices 
for the guest system.


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