fBSD5.1 and pam-mysql troubles

Joe Lewis joe at relia.net
Fri Sep 19 11:56:43 PDT 2003

Ladies and Gents;

I've got the following problem.  I installed PAM on my 5.1R version of 
FreeBSD.  The modules are all stored in /usr/lib as /usr/lib/pam_*.so.2, 
with a /usr/lib/pam_*.so as a symlink to the original (from default 
port).  I've also installed the pam_mysql.so from the port with 
pam_mysql-0.5 as the source.

I installed the config file for login only to prevent messing something 
up.  When I try to login, I get an error in the /var/log/messages syslog 
that reads, pardon my lack of memory, that it cannot find the pam 
module.  It is in the same place as the other modules, with the exact 
permissions, symlinks, and everything (the install put it in the wrong 
place).  But I still get the error messages about not finding the module.

My question (may lead to a solution) : is the pam port linked to 
statically?  Dynamically?  (Statically would mean I now have to 
recompile it with some modifications, right?)


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