JAILS: Shared IP?

Chuck Swiger cswiger at mac.com
Sat Sep 13 08:38:33 PDT 2003

Chris wrote:
> 1) What would be the advantage(s) or disadvanatage(s) of giving each website 
> it's own IP vs sharing a single IP?

Are you doing SSL?  You'd need to give each SSL site it's own IP, but otherwise 
you can do what Apache calls "name-based virtual domains" and share.

> 2) Is one going to be more difficult to set up than the other?

Not significantly.  It's probably a little easier to set up four different 
webservers running on four different IPs.

> 3) Would it be better to use something like Webmin to configure the setup
> instead of trying to do it by hand, or does that take away from learning?

webmin takes away from learning.


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