freeBSD 4.8

John Mascardo johnmascardo at
Thu Sep 11 19:50:37 PDT 2003

    I am a very-very new LINUX/UNIX user. After being convinced by friends that it is far better and stablethan windows architechture. So I bought the LINUX Format magazine because it offered a full OS called FREEBSD 4.8
    I tried to install it and after a few a attempts I managed to install it atlast but when it started up it asked for a login and password.
    I must have missed something along the way because for the life of me I had no clue what was happening on install. I searched the mag and the disc and unfortunately I can't find any login or password detail. I tried typing different stuff but to know avail...
PLEASE tell me what I'm doing wrong and what I should do...

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