Different states in "TOP" .....

Dan Nelson dnelson at allantgroup.com
Thu Sep 4 00:21:07 PDT 2003

In the last episode (Sep 04), Shrikant said:
> When i do "TOP"  i see many process in raltime ,I would like to know
> the description of different "STATE"'s in the "STATE" column. Where
> will i get this info .PLs give me a link .

The state column shows RUN for running processes, and for sleeping
processes, it shows the sleep string (or mutex name if there's an * in
front).  There is no official table of them since there are so many
(and they are dynamic; a kernel module may add more).  "find /sys -type
f | xargs grep msleep" will print most of the sleep strings, and "find
/sys -type f | xargs grep mtx_init" should print the mutex names.

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at allantgroup.com

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