Why people are not satisfied with FreeBSD?

Dragoncrest dragoncrest at voyager.net
Mon Sep 1 08:00:02 PDT 2003

>For instance, I'm writing this on a Linux box, but have 3 FBSD servers I 
>administer, as well as a small handful of Windows servers I'm responsible 
>for. I also use windows 2000 and XP as well as FBSD and more than 2 
>distros of Linux at the desktop, from various work and home locations.

         *bows*  I'm not worthy!  I'm not worthy!  ;)  hehe.  Nice sounding 
setup by the way.  :D

         Just for the curiousity of the original poster, yes, I use Freebsd 
and Windows side by side.  Mostly windows is used when it's something that 
I either can't do with my freebsd at this time, or it requires windows as a 
companion to my freebsd in order to complete a task.

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