what happens when connection is lost ?

Charles Swiger cswiger at mac.com
Fri Oct 31 08:58:13 PST 2003

On Oct 31, 2003, at 11:54 AM, M.D. DeWar wrote:
> Hello,
> If I am logged in on a FreeBSD machine with ssh.
> And doing say a ./configure or make  and I lose connection does that 
> stop
> what I was doing ?

In general, yes-- what happens is that a broken connection results in a 
hangup (HUP) signal being sent to the process group containing ssh, 
your shell, and whatever commands might have been running.

> data get corrupted etc ?

Generally not.  The point of the HUP signal is to allow processes to 
shut down cleanly.  See "man nohup", "man signal"....


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