Trying to see website from the Internet

whizkid at whizkid at
Tue Oct 21 12:33:02 PDT 2003

> Hi,
> I'm having all kinds of trouble trying to get things
> set up to see my website on the Internet. I know
> people like to claim to be newbies, but I actually am.
> :-)
> My machine (ethernet card) IP is and
> I'm serving on port 8080. I can bring up the site no
> problem on my LAN-, but
> not outside.
> My ISP is earthlink and it's a dynamic IP account.
> Right now the WAN IP is: Trying
> doesn't work. I've opened
> the port, 8080, on the router.

When you say you have opened the port on your firewall, are you speaking
of the firewall on your FreeBSD box or a Hardware firewall?  For example,
if you have a linksys router you would have to Forward your TCP port 8080
to the box.

> What should I look at to solve this? I have
> unsuccessfully scoured the complete freebsd book,
> handbook, and archives. But haven't found anything to
> address this specific problem yet, although it seems
> straightforward. If you think I don't understand
> networks exactly, you are correct; but it's not for
> lack of trying.

if you can get to the website from inside your firewall then it is a
routing issue.  Just check above and make sure your firewall is routing to
the correct box.

> Thanks for help,
> Micke

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