5.1-Realease UPDATE PORTS

Osmany Guirola Cruz osmany.guirola at cigb.edu.cu
Mon Oct 20 10:38:25 PDT 2003

I can not use cvsup due to restrictions on my network and i need to do updates of my ports. 
how and what can i do?

-----Original Message-----
From:	Derek Zeanah [mailto:derek at zeanah.com]
Sent:	Mon 10/20/2003 1:23 PM
To:	Osmany Guirola Cruz; freebsd-questions at freebsd.org
Subject:	Re: 5.1-Realease UPDATE PORTS

>Waht should i do? How can i update my ports collection ? AHH very important I CAN NOT CVSUP 

I'm something of a newbie with FreeBSD, but it seems like cvsup'ing your ports tree is the preferred solution.  Why can't you do this?  Can you use the package management system instead or ports, or is there a basic issue that keeps you from using both?

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