vi and wrap text

parv parv_fm at
Wed Oct 8 18:41:24 PDT 2003

in message <20031008235802.GA59370 at>,
wrote Bill Campbell thusly...
> I also have a locally written version of fmt that will take
> a ``-q'' option to handle e- mail quoted text that removes the
> quotes, reformats, then puts a single level of quotes back on

I hear par(1) can out do both fmt(1) & vim's wrapping functions.
After installing it once, had not the time to pour over its
(massive) documentation.

So i personally have not used it, but i think it will/should fit

> (nothing nearly as neat as Damian Conway's perl modules for
> formatting, but I've never gotten my head around them :-).

Quite a while ago, i had tried Text::Autoformat for a brief period,
right inside a procmail recipe (to wrap the e-mail message bodies of
those who do not), but it mangled the quoted text very badly of just
about every message.  (IIRC, in this context i became aware of par
by the way.)

Text::Autoformat does work quite good on regular text (non e-mail
like text).

  - Parv


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