FreeBSD Fax Server?

C. Ulrich dincht at
Wed Oct 1 19:03:34 PDT 2003

On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 13:18, rtjohan at wrote:
> Which model of US Robotics did you get?

The manual only identifies it as a 56k PCI hardware modem. I originally
picked it up because "hardware" seemed to be emphasized on the package
plus it said Linux was supported.

The modem identifies itself as:
US Robotics/3Com 56K FaxModem Model 5610

According to USR's web site, that probably means I have either a
USR5610A or USR5610B. Not sure what the difference is. I also don't
quite recall whether the modem was v.90 or v.92.

> I take it that it should work with FreeBSD Rel 5.1?

Heh, okay, well that's one OS that I haven't thrown at it. :P Right now,
it's in my Slackware 8.0 fileserver (due for an upgrade to FreeBSD Real
Soon Now) and the Linux kernel identifies it as a "serial controller." I
can't imagine why it wouldn't work with 5.1.

If you're considering buying one, I'd be happy to try it out on my
testbed machine (which has 5.1 installed at the moment) and let you know
how it goes.

Charles Ulrich

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