FreeBSD download

C. Ulrich dincht at
Wed Oct 1 06:14:53 PDT 2003

On Tue, 2003-09-30 at 15:58, bernardos at wrote:
> Dear Sir or Madam, 
> I'm interested in using FreeBSD as part of rearrengement of my professional skills. 
> I'm currently studing Linux but I'd like to feel a bit of a true UNIX system. 

Heh, better have your asbestos underwear on when you utter phrases like
"true UNIX system" around here. ;)

The differences between FreeBSD and many Linux distros aren't as great
as some people think. I would argue that FreeBSD is more sophisticated
behind the scenes (with ports, cvs, et al) but by and large most of your
Linux experience will carry over into FreeBSD.
> What shall be the 5.x release? What is the "new technology" you will include in it? 
> I might probably buy it (a combo promotion of 4 CD set + Handbook 2nd edition). 
> However I'd like to know a bit more about it first. 

If you're just starting out with FreeBSD, consider using 5.1. Yes, it is
considered -CURRENT ("new and possibly unstable") but most people don't
seem to have any showstopping problems with it. If you start learning
5.x now, then you'll be in a slightly better position for when 5.x is
considered stable. However, it's ultimately your choice.

Additionally, be aware that FreeBSD is extremely well documented, from
the man pages all the way up to the handbook and other external docs, so
you shouldn't really _need_ a book in the way that you would for a
calculus class, for example. But again, it's your choice. I'm not sure,
but I think that the FreeBSD Mall donates a certain amount to FreeBSD
development, so ponder that too. ( was down at the time
of writing, so I couldn't confirm.)

If you have any questions about anything at all regarding FreeBSD, this
list is the place to ask. Consider subscribing if you haven't yet.

Charles Ulrich

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