Running as a certain user

Derrick Ryalls ryallsd at
Sat Nov 29 14:50:07 PST 2003

I am running a Counter Strike server on a 4.7 FreeBSD box, and I
recently got it all working running as a normal user (had been running
as root).  The game is installed in a users' homedir and eventually I
will be revoking login rights to the user in question to furthur
minimize risk.  To do this, I need to be able to run the scripts as the
user instead of whoever is logged in as.

The structure of the scripts is like this:

master script (start stop, public private args)
run_hlds wrapper script ( command line args for hlds_run )
hlds_run ( Valve prog )

All three of the above scripts are owned by the isolated user and have
been chmod'ed to 6755.  When I log in as a different user and try to run
the scripts, I get permission issues and am unable to fire off the game
server.  What I need is to be able to run it on demand as the isolated
user like a crontab entry.

Any ideas on what I am missing?


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